Peas are a versatile and nutritious vegetable widely consumed across the globe. The process of transforming fresh peas into processed products involves several stages in a frozen peas factory setting. This blog will guide you through the step-by-step process of how peas are processed in a factory, providing insights into sorting, washing, blanching, freezing, and packaging.

Sorting and Washing 
The first stage in processing peas is sorting and washing. Freshly harvested peas are brought to the factory and inspected for quality. Any damaged, diseased, or discolored peas are removed. Sorting machines help separate debris, leaves, and stems from the peas. Once sorted, the peas are thoroughly washed to remove dirt, soil, and any remaining impurities. Clean water jets and rotating brushes are used to ensure effective washing. This step is crucial to maintain the quality and safety of the final product.

After washing, the peas go through the blanching process. Blanching involves briefly immersing the peas in boiling water or steam. This step serves multiple purposes, including preserving the color, texture, and flavor of the peas while also deactivating enzymes that could cause spoilage. The blanching time and temperature are carefully controlled to achieve optimal results. Following blanching, the peas are rapidly cooled down, typically through a cold-water bath, to halt the cooking process and preserve their crispness.

Once blanched, the peas are ready for freezing. Freezing is a popular preservation method that maintains the nutritional value and quality of peas over an extended period. In the factory, the blanched peas are quickly transferred to a freezing unit. The most commonly used freezing method is known as “individual quick freezing” (IQF). In IQF, the peas are spread out in a single layer on a conveyor belt and passed through a blast freezer. This rapid freezing process ensures that each pea freezes individually, preserving their texture and preventing the formation of large ice crystals. The peas are then transferred to cold storage, where they are maintained at a temperature of around -18°C (-0.4°F) or lower.

The final stage in the pea processing factory is packaging. The frozen peas are carefully packed to maintain their quality and prevent freezer burn. Packaging materials such as bags, pouches, or boxes are used, depending on the intended market and product requirements. The packaging may also include labels with relevant information such as the product name, weight, nutritional facts, and expiration date. Vacuum sealing or nitrogen flushing techniques are often employed to remove excess air and create a protective barrier, extending the shelf life of the peas. Finally, the packaged peas are labeled, boxed, and prepared for distribution to retailers or food service providers.

Processing peas in a factory involves a series of steps, including sorting, washing, blanching, freezing, and packaging. Each stage is crucial in ensuring the quality, safety, and longevity of the final product. By understanding the intricacies of pea processing, we can appreciate the convenience of enjoying this nutritious vegetable all year round.